photo credit: Beau P. Dobrikov

I’m in the process of writing a book to support those of us who have been affected by cancer to use ourselves as a resource— as well as for those who have not at all, or yet experienced cancer, to do the same.

After, During + Before Cancer:

A Yoga Mindset Practice for Navigating Your Cancer Diagnosis

Whether you are personally facing cancer or supporting someone who is, it is an unquestionably difficult experience. The words "You have cancer" can immediately trigger fear, trauma, isolation, ongoing anxiety, and a sense of disconnection from one's own body. However, the good news is that you can work through the angst and disappointment to improve your overall well-being.

For both individuals who already practice yoga and those who do not, "Before, During and After Cancer" provides valuable insights into the less pose-centric aspects of yoga, which are not typically emphasized in most classes. By introducing readers to the practical application of fundamental yoga philosophy, this book offers support to those affected by cancer by teaching them how to harness their own inner resources. For those who have not experienced cancer, it provides proactive guidance for cultivating self-awareness and resilience. 

This book serves as a roadmap for self-discovery, helping you assess where you are and to define what you want for yourself. Drawing from my personal journey through stage II breast cancer, I guide you on a path to becoming more aligned with our true selves. You will learn to:

• Accept that you did not choose cancer, or what happened to you.

• Appreciate the body you still possess, despite the challenges it may have or continue to experience.

• Prioritize stress management as your primary responsibility, above all else.

• Resist fading into the background and instead, to take up space and be your authentic self.

Cancer causes chaos. When you’re spinning out of control, this book offers real-life examples, personal stories, and practical strategies to help you to facilitate grounding and growth. Because yoga causes order and calm, when philosophical aspects are strategically applied, yogic principles help lead us to an effective, empowered self-care daily approach for unfolding clarity with simplicity, and the purpose to live a healthier life.